速報APP / 商業 / Prophecy - Stock A.I.

Prophecy - Stock A.I.



檔案大小:163.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Prophecy - Stock A.I.(圖1)-速報App

To get a competitive edge in this day and age you have to be using A.I.

Prophecy™ uses industry-leading historical analysis/matching techniques to open the doors of A.I. trading to more than just the billion-dollar hedge funds.

Prophecy - Stock A.I.(圖2)-速報App

Prophecy™ uses advanced algorithms paired with historical extrapolation to predict where your stock-choice might go in the days to come.

Additionally, with Prophecy™, simply enter a ticker-symbol, let the A.I. run, and find the closest matching historical charts, as well as see where those stocks went from there. Use this to inform your trades ('If history repeats itself' philosophy).

Prophecy - Stock A.I.(圖3)-速報App

What if your human-analyst had the processing power of a million humans? With an auto-analyst, perform super-human chart comparison across thousands of stocks and years of historical data, in a whizz!


Prophecy - Stock A.I.(圖4)-速報App

Prophecy™ is a term of Apps4Life, LLC.

Prophecy is intended to be a guide, not a guarantee.

Prophecy - Stock A.I.(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad